Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Nothing brings a California girl down like her first winter (incidentally also her first time seeing it snow) in New England.  I've learned from my winter depression of last year and have resolved that when I go back to school next week, I will not let the weather bring me down.  Instead of succumbing to my snowy day routine of last year, which consisted of skipping class (I think--hope--it was a large lecture class?) and burrowing under my covers to watch the latest episode of Gossip Girl or 90210, I will post happy things onto this blog.  There are many things that make me happy.  British accents, for starters.  Although I'll confess..I am not discriminatory toward Irish, Scottish, or Australian accents.  Will and Kate make me giddy.  Taylor Swift loves to sing about my life.  Cupcakes (red velvet) and macaroons (pistachio and salted carmel) are the best.  There is nothing better than an Italian sunset.  Or looking at the Seine River on a warm summer night.  I believe that happiness is contagious. I hope you will catch mine! :)

xoxo, m

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